The Apple
Performed: 6th July 2006
Performed by the Year 7 group as part of ‘Young Brilliance’, The Apple is a satire about the perceptions that people create and project upon art. Set in an art gallery, it explores, in an absurd way, how some people mistakenly think the work of art is responsible for their perceptions, and how sometimes this thinking can culminate in an act of censorship.
Cast & Crew
Written by: Jimmy Brunelle
Full cast list (in alphabetical order):
Patrick Costello
Rebecca Crossfield
Joseph Finegold
Chakra Manggilingan
Amy Moorhouse
Ella Mottram
Laura Thompson
Tippy Uhuru
Janitor, Rope
Elvis, Cally
Moocher, Petula, Mona
Mime, Lara
Announcer, Peevish, Curly
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Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.
Describe your image.